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Toddler Style: Big Sister Love

Okay, can anyone else believe that June is almost over?? Where has the month gone, nonetheless the year? It's crazy how fast time flies, especially when you have little ones. 

We have been counting down the days to when our new little baby girl decides to make her appearance. I'm rather nervous for the interaction between Shae and her new baby sister but excited all the same. Shae is already protective, no one is allowed to touch my belly as long as she's watching or she begins to wave her arms and cry. It's amazing how at only 18 months she is so intuitive and has such a strong personality. 

I have enjoyed my solo time with her since I decided to leave work and stay home with her full time a few months ago before the new baby came. We both really needed that bonding time, especially since the girls will be so close in age. 

Some of my favorite times has been just simply bringing her outside to explore and watch her excitement over all things nature. The flowers, grass, stairs, and her fascination with sticks! She literally collects them lol. 

Hoping everyone is having a wonderful summer and by this time next month we will hopefully be introducing our new little girl!

Shae is styled in out Light Grey Suspender Joggers.

-Ann (make sure to follow Ann on Instagram HERE)

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