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Tiandra's Breastfeeding Story

Tiandras breastfeeding story the little milk bar for breast feeding moms.png

Hi my name Tiandra but, I go by TJ. I just turned 21 march 3rd and as of today (April 12th) I have a six month old. He is the happiest baby there is. Until he hasn't been fed lol. Elian was born October 12th, 2017.

He was four days late and i had to have a C-section because I wasn't dilated, he sat to high up, and my pelvic was too small. It went against the natural birth I wanted But, I was just happy to have a healthy 7 lb 9 oz baby boy.

His first latch was perfect. It was everything I dreamed it would be. But by the second day I was screaming and crying in pain because he wasn't latching right no matter how hard I tried. I am also very busty. I saw the lactation consultant twice while at the hospital but when she left I couldn't do it. I went home and still tried. But I dreaded feeding time and my toes just curled from pain.

I finally had to start pumping and supplement with formula. He ended up becoming mildly allergic to it. By the second month we had the perfect latch again and it was amazing. That lasted maybe a month and half because i used the wrong bottles when he was bottle fed. So it was pain and more pain again. I struggled and pushed through. I pumped and bottle fed and I just cried while he ate because i didn't want to fail.

I started school again which gave my breast a break. and it got a little better but once I stayed home again the cycle started again. I got mastitis, bad engorgement, my supply dropped, I gained weight with how much oatmeal I ate to bring it up lol. I tried everything. I researched and  today my son is six months old and i still deal with pain. Sore achy nipples, burning pain, engorgement, lower supply, teething, pinching and kicking, unlatching and re-latching himself but, seeing him eat and fall asleep is so worth it.

I have  six months or more to go before I'm done breastfeeding. I refuse to give up because he needs it and our bond is strong. lol Now time to prepare myself for breastfeeding lol. Thank you and good night.

- Elians Mommy (Tiandra)

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