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To Ask Or Not To Ask, That Is The Question

Lot801 baby and toddler grey suspenders
Lot801 baby and toddler grey suspenders
Lot801 baby and toddler grey suspenders
Lot801 baby and toddler grey suspenders

To Ask or Not to Ask, That is the Question

There are three little words that I feel as moms we all sometimes have a difficult time uttering, "I need help!" .  May it be fear of being perceived as a "bad mom" , societal pressure, self imposed pressure, etc, We all want to feel and be perceived as super moms, I know I definitely do.

I mean let's keep it real we are women so we are pretty super already am I right? However even super heroes need help sometimes.

So supermom on those tough days that you're hanging on by a thread let your partner know that you are going to need a little extra TLC, or call up a friend that has offered to help, or join a mom group in your community.

I promise it may be a scary endeavor at first but you will be so thankful you did. Cars need gas they don't run on fumes and neither do you!

I know for myself asking for help is a big work in progress . Many times my partner doesn't realize I need his help because I'm so busy trying to do it all that I work myself towards a meltdown.

So I invite you to put on your super mom cape with me and makeyourself this promise next time you are needing some saving that you will allow yourself some kindness and say "I need help" because as they say it takes a village.

- Little man styled in our Light Grey Suspender HERE.

-Lisa ( make sure to follow Lisa on Instagram HERE)

Photographer @spenceronie

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