Stroller Workout with Fatima

Hi guys, I want to start by introducing myself real quick. My name is Fatima, everybody calls me Fatty, so yes you have permission to do as well ;). I was born and raised in Sweden, moved to Utah '08 to run track at BYU.That is where I met my husband and the rest is history. I am a mother of two and a former professional track athlete. I have been a track girl ever since I can remember. After having my second baby, I decided to give all my attention to my family. Being a professional athlete requires a lot of time and dedication. Working out can be hard, but finding time to workout can be even harder. No matter who you are, or what shape you are in, it can be hard and that's just reality. We all have good and bad days and that is okay. Whether you have kids or work 8-5 and come home exhausted, working out is easy to skip. This is why I love high intensity interval training (HIIT), they usually take 15-20 min and the best part is, you can do them at home!!! I love them, you get a great workout, you don't have to fight for a machine at the gym and your kids can do it with you!

For today's workout you need:
- A stroller, or a skateboard or anything with wheels
- Water
- Yoga Mat (optional)
30 sec squats
30 sec squat jump (make sure to keep core tight, and jump as high as you can)
rest 10 sec
30 sec back lunge
30 sec back lunge with kick
rest 10 sec and grab stroller
1 min stroller walk with push up
Make sure to keep core tight
rest 10 sec
30 sec plank rest 5 sec another 30 sec
Rest 1min between sets
REPEAT 3 times :)
Make sure to check out Fatima's blog here and follow her on Instagram (@stylefitfatty) here.