Out And About With 2 Under 2

These kids! I can not tell you how tough it is being out and about with 2 under 2 who are still not even 1 and 2 yet.
Anyone else who tells you otherwise must have an extra arm somewhere that I need to borrow.
BUT we still manage to figure it out. Every morning someone never fails to open the Starbucks door for us with my giant double stroller (my ship as I call it) coming through.
When Mila's pacifier happens to fly across a hall or to the other end of a shop- someone fetches it before I could even get to it.
There are so many kind and generous people out there who are really the day to day strangers I come across. I'm thankful for them. Thankful that they opened that door for us or fetched that flying pacifier.
I hope it's these type of people my children will learn from one day and hope that it's these type of people they become. Until that day comes, with all the madness and with that extra arm I need so desperately- I will try my best to raise kind and generous little monsters who one day will open the door and fetch pacifiers for someone out there.
Little Mila adorably styled in our Polk Dot Suspenders HERE. Little Aiman styled in our Light Grey Suspenders HERE.
Xoxo Maryam (make sure to follow Maryam on Instagram HERE)