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My Mom Super Power - Kayleigh

We're changing the conversation from what we fail at as a mother, to what makes us great mothers! Read our original post here to read what this movement is all about and join us! #MyMomSuperPower


My Mom Superpower

It’s funny how becoming a mother changes you. It’s changed me in so many ways. I have learnt to slow down and appreciate the little things in life, I’ve rediscovered the magic in things I once believed in as a child (cannot WAIT for Santa/Tooth Fairy/Easter Bunny days!), I’ve started taking much better care of myself and I now enjoy things I never used to…

I’m so not an outdoorsy kinda gal. I would much rather stay in and read a book than go for a run. But boy oh boy does my child love being outside. In fact, I think it was one of the first few words he ever learnt to say. "Ahhtside?”

Aidan is one of the busiest little people I’ve ever met. From the moment he learnt to walk, he’s been off and running. He loves adventure and always has the biggest cheeky grin on his face when he’s out in nature.

So this is #MyMomSuperPower. I always, always make sure to take Aidan on an outdoor adventure at least once week. We go for walks around our neighbourhood every day, but our adventures have been to beaches, outdoor art galleries, bush walks, vineyards, local parks, nature reserves. You name it, we’ve done it. At first it was just his pure happiness that made it worth it, but now I’m really starting to enjoy getting out and exploring too. He has definitely awoken my inner child and I’m so grateful for that.

Get your Tetris leggings here, Drops beanie here and Tetris scarf here

Make sure to follow Kayleigh on her Instagram page here.

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