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My Mom Super Power - Chelsea

Wow, I am so excited to introduce myself and my one and only little one, Annabelle, to the Lot801 blog peeps. When Lindsay emailed and asked for us to be a part of this incredible company and cool community, I definitely knew it was a right fit.  I’m rarely able to find organic baby clothes that are in one short word: cool. I knew if I had a girl, I would want her to have a unique sense of style and that I would only buy clothes that would be something I would buy for myself. Lot801 has accomplished all of these wants, along with a kick ass community of moms to boot.

love the idea of a Mom Super Power and would love to share mine with y’all as I think it’s a good intro to who I am and what Annabelle and I are all about.

Since leaving the professional field to focus on raising Annabelle, it’s been my mission to find the best of everything. From health providers to household products to food sources, I am always on the lookout for a cleaner and greener way to live our lives. In a world that is bombarded by additives and chemicals, I knew I had to do what I could to keep A safe, thus leading into my #momsuperpower that best describes me as an individual and as a mom. This superpower is the ability to relinquish control. All my life I have tried to control whatever I can. 

From the college I attend to the job I desperately want, control has been a blessing and a curse. Since becoming a mom, this has become even more apparent. All I want to do in most situations is fix. If she’s sick, I want to alleviate her pain. If she’s hungry, I want to prepare a healthful and bountiful feast. Unfortunately, this is not always possible and such is life. You can’t control the 2am trip to the ER or the goose egg she got from attempting to walk. That’s why this superpower is a work in progress, like when Spiderman is just figuring out how to spin his web.

Learning to let go is the hardest thing I have ever had to do, and I had 36 hours of natural childbirth. However, I know how important it is to let go a little, not only for me, but for Annabelle. I am hoping that by utilizing the superpower of relinquishing control, I am creating an environment of ease and letting my kids know that they have control (for the most part) over the choices that they make. The ironic thing is that, as I sit here writing this post, I am listening to A coughing from a cold and deciding whether to sit here and cry from worry or page the pediatrician while he’s most certainly having dinner with his own family. See… a work in progress.


All in all, I feel so lucky to have such an amazing little person here on earth to teach me these vital life lessons. Along with the superpowers of patience, unwavering love, and selflessness, Annabelle is teaching me that life isn’t all about these plotted out events and planned happenings. Life is about living each moment as it comes. Sometimes we just have to be reminded of that.

Annabelle is wearing the Scribble Leggings and Drops Headband on our staycation to Los Angeles and Beverly Hills’ Sugarfina boutique. Everything in moderation, right?

You can catch us on Instagram @annabellesandwhistles

Get your little ones aqua Scribble leggings here and black Drops headband here

Make sure to follow Chelsea and her little babe on Instagram here.

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