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Moving... Toddler Addition!

Moving ... Toddler Addition! 

So we all know moving isn't the most fun life event , moving with a crazy energetic toddler makes this process a whole lot less fun! 

We learned some very valuable lessons while moving this past month. First lesson I never want to move ever, ever,again especially while having a toddler in the home. Pre baby this whole moving thing wasn't fun but it was manageable. I would pack up everything and husband and friends would do all the heavy lifting.

Fast forward to current time, I tried to pack everything and baby would unpack everything. So here are a few tips to keep you hopefully making this process less stressful and prevent you from wanting to place your child in a box and not open it for a few hours. 

  1. Get a game plan: For us this meant we had to pack as much as we could while baby napped. This was not as easy because we have a noise sensitive baby. So I started with the room furthest away from his room. 
  2. Pack away while they are away : So that means get someone to watch your babes while you pack if this isn't an option for you then tag team. On the weekends my husband would go out and entertain our little one while I stayed home and packed for a few hours. 
  3. keep that crazy babe entertained: I know what you're thinking easier said then done. We placed a box and all our plastic Tupperware and some miscellaneous toys in a baby safe area and just let him go to town for an hour or so. He loved it! Plus they feel they are being included
  4. Higher some help:  for those able to afford getting some help from a trusted moving company even just for a few hours do it! If you can't then enlist the help of family and friends and pay them in food and drinks they won't mind. 
  5. Labeling is your friend : trust me on this label every box as detailed as you can it really helps make the unpacking process less stressful! Also organize each room in its own box. 
  6. Unpacking : start with the necessary stuff like setting up beds, toiletries , kitchen essentials etc. The rest take one room at a time. The worst is when you start unpacking random boxes and you just end up with chaos everywhere! 
  7. Take it easy : last but not least breath mama. Acknowledge the process of moving and just try and enjoy your new space and all the fun memories you and your family are about to make 

So there you have it Mamas . These are a few of the tips I will definitely utilize for my next move, I'm sure I will learn some new lessons on the next move which I hope is decades from now. 

Little guy styled in our Palms Joggers Pants HERE.

-Lisa (make sure to follow Lisa on Instagram HERE)

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