Mom's Got Style Too - Meili

Hey guys! It's Meili & Averie writing for the Lot801 blog today! Emotions have been on an all time high lately in our home. I'm not sure if it's the pregnancy hormones taking over, or Averie's terrible twos, either way, this blip I wrote a few days ago perfectly sums up my feelings as a mother right now.

"Best Job Ever. Sometimes it's hard. Like, really really hard. Sometimes, it's easy, like how did I get so lucky? Sometimes, I cry, wondering how I'm going to get through the day. Sometimes, I laugh, never knowing how much joy my heart could hold. But, I am grateful, all the time. Because I am fortunate enough to experience this love & life called Motherhood. I know some are trying so hard to start a family, some have just lost part of their family, and some know they may never have a family. Every day I try and remember how lucky and fortunate I am; to have a healthy baby. Right in front of me, every day. No matter how hard it gets, it's always the best job ever. "

The uneasiness of miscarriage, the news I read every day about someone losing a child, the posts I see about couples direly trying to conceive new life; all are circumstances that push me to be a better mother for the child I have now in my arms. I could cry a thousand tears for these families, and I often do, but I also try my hardest to make them proud of me. To make myself worthy of having a child so healthy, so precious, right in front of me, everyday. I urge you to never forget about these families and to keep them in your hearts when you are having a bad day, good day; everyday.
Meili & Averie (@missesmeili)
Get your pink Smiley scarf on sale here. Make sure to follow Meilie on Instagram (@missesmeili) here.