Mom's Got Style Too - Krista

The days of fall quickly turned into winter
Living in the Central Valley of Cali means those colorful leaves of fall transition to brown and crunchy before we even had a chance to enjoy them. But that doesn't stop us! Crunchy leaves are better to stomp on anyways, right?! It was the perfect ending to a day full of errands

As a mom of two, I quickly learned that there are only so many stops in a day I can handle. From unloading and loading, to parking lot feedings, there is only so much one mama can take. But today was a really good day. My kids decided to behave unnaturally well. It must have been the feel of Christmas spirit in the air. It felt really good to get out of the house after being cooped up all day yesterday. I find myself spending way too much time cleaning or on my phone when we stay at home so I try to get us out of the house as much as I can. I'm a much happier person when I get out into the real world and I think my kids are too.

With Christmas right around the corner, I am so excited for all that is to come! I love driving around looking at Christmas lights and taking the kids to all the festivities in town. With Boston being two this year, he can really soak it all in and it's so fun to see his reaction to it all! I can't wait to hear "woah! cooooool!" come out of his mouth a million times!
Krista's little dude is styled in our maroon Smudge leggings, you can get them here. Her little darling is styled in our maroon Smudge headband, you can get one here.
Make sure to follow Krista on Instagram (@krista.horton) here.