Mom's Got Style Too - Kiri

Hey from Sydney!
It sure feels good to be back on home soil after the last few months of travelling, not that our travels weren’t out-of-this-world ridiculous!

The last couple of weeks though have been very interesting with my gorgeous Miss Matisse (21months) going through some emotional discovering, i.e Terrible Twos, with hugs and kisses one minute to kicking and screaming the next! We were lucky to even get out of the house to shoot this post, hence the half pig-tail left over from the day before.

However thanks to a small supply of lollies we did it! I know that she must be feeling a lot of new feelings and emotions and she’s only learning how to control them so hopefully with some guidance and consistency she will have a better understanding of what is happening, after all she’s still only a baby!
- Kiri
Get your grey Grid leggings here.
ake sure to follower Kiri on Instagram here and check out her blog here.