Keeping It Simple

We live in a day and age where parents and children have access to the latest and greatest gadgets and toys. There are products out there that I didn't even think I needed as a parent! Before we know it our homes are filled with this toy and that product that will help solve all our motherhood problems.
I mean how did our parents and we survive with out iPads and fidget spiners back in the day? For those of you who didn't catch that there was some slight sarcasm . We clearly got buy with out the flashy toys and coolest strollers.
Even those of us that grew up in places where the weather didn't always allow for outside play. We where forced to be creative and engage our minds more for sources of entertainment .
Don't get me wrong there are some genius inventions out there that have truly made great improvements in the quality of life of parents and kids. However to the new mama out there overwhelmed by the plethora of endless baby options.
Take three deep breaths and start with the basics. I to have to hold back from buying an over abundance of stuff. Kids should be outside being kids right. Breathing the outdoors air and exploring there surroundings. The biggest bonus to all this is while they are out exploring they aren't inside causing chaos and making a mess. Sounds like a win win to me am I right mama.
Little man styled in our Cactus Joggers HERE.
-Lisa (make sure to follow Lisa on Instagram HERE)