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Fitness - Fatima


New year means new goals. It also means that the gym will be packed for about a month and then it tones down.  I am all about setting goals, but I also believe that it is important to set reasonable ones. Too many goals gets too overwhelming, I try to choose a maximum of 5 and then work real hard to achieve them. 

This post is dedicated to YOU, to help motivate you when you're feeling discouraged or tired. We all get tired, we all have bad days and when this happens remember the why and your goal.

I just wanted to share  quick little home workout that you can do at home whenever! 

All you need is a chair and a water bottle between sets!

30 sec Push up step up

30 sec Dips

30 sec hip trust (lay on your back, legs on the chair and lift your hip up)

30 sec/leg single leg squat (butt to chair and up)

Repeat 3 times, rest 1 minute between sets!!

Remember the only thing between you and your goal, is YOU!

Be your own motivation :)



xo, Fatty

Make sure to follow Fatima on Instagram here.

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