Dressing The Punks - Maia

I am a beginning juggler. Of course I don't mean the enertainment variety. I am talking about the role a mother has; which isn't as far off from being an occupation - "juggler of off-spring".
Just like any beginning Juggler, soon as you realize you got the hang of it and ready to self congratulate yourself, you realize in an instant you have dropped a ball and into 15 months of being a mother, wondering "wasn it not just an minute ago that you were holding a baby?" Where has the time gone to, and how do I get back to juggling seamlessly again?

And here I am, taking on the next stage of motherhood and also a new role - full time working mother. Taking in the new experiences and trying to find a balance of holding onto this time I have with my squish before he is speaking full sentences. Boy, those last 14 months went by quick.

With the madness of trying to adjust to being back to the work force full time and fighting my way with all the dynamic shift of changes in the industry, on top of figuring out what to pack for his lunches to daycare daily, and mindlessly trying to keep up with all the chores. I am also trying to take on the limited free time I have in two days just being a mother/mentor/sidekick/sightseer to my little squish.
Saturday's are carved away for family adventures. Not only is C and I taking in some new activity or adventure, but it is that one day of bonding time I have where I spend the majority of it jaw-dropped or wide eye in amazement with all the new things he has learned or milestone that I had otherwise missed while being in the office or on set. Those weekends now mean everything to me, and are never taken for granted, because it is the only real time I get to spend with him. Where we can embrace things together and can show off to me how much he is speeding through these days with being less of a dependent and more of an independent.
With that independency, comes great responsibility with him keeping me on my toes with climbing and walking throughout the park zoo. These weekends I call them practice weeks for things to come when he hits the so called terrible twos. I am savoring every moment I can after an exhausting work week. No matter where your position is in life, just be proud of all those delicious moments.