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Dressing The Punks - Chelsea

As the time of giving leads into the new year, I am taking time to reflect on the past 12 months. It’s been such a year, but for some reason I keep reflecting on the same thought. Was I too selfish? Lots of women believe that when they become mothers, they must give their everything to these perfect little beings and part of that is the truth. We give our all every day to make sure these little balls of sweet mush are fed, kept warm, and all around perfectly comfortable.

A successful day is measured by how much joy exudes from every breath they exhale, even if the getting there isn’t too pretty. And as our littles start growing up and start taking on more independence, when is it ok to start making time for ourselves? What stops us is this overriding “mama guilt”. Why would a mother want to take time for herself? That’s just utterly selfish! (If you didn’t catch my sarcasm then please add a snarky tone to the last question and statement).

As the new year begins, my resolution is to give so much love and enjoyment to Annabelle, that the guilt of taking time for myself will be squished under my butt during my 90 minute massage, washed out during my blow out, or drank away during a girls only happy hour. Not only is it important to make time for ourselves as mothers, but time away gives me time to miss her. It also makes the frustration of the messy and screamed filled lunch a little more palatable. Having this “me” time allows me to be a more present wife, friend, and mother. Not to mention our fur children appreciate it too.

I should also preface this new years resolution solemn vow with this important information about myself: I HATE NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS. They are the only reason I gain 10 pounds every year instead of lose it or watch Law and Order marathons when I resolved to play tennis on Saturdays. Either way, I think this resolution (or anti-resolution), is one I can keep. 


Why? Because I love the person my daughter has helped me become. And by setting my intention to give her as much love and enjoyment I can, well it comes right back to me and mine. And that’s what it’s all about.


Chelsea's little babe styled in our maroon Smudge headband, you can get your here. And our Hooded Cape, you can get yours here

Make sure to follow Chelsea on her Instagram here.

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