How Babywearing Saved My Sanity While Breastfeeding
Mother to mother… here’s a little tip to help save your sanity during your breastfeeding journey, are you ready? Baby wearing.
I wish I had known this was a thing with with my first because it would’ve changed everything. Allie would cry nonstop unless I was feeding her or carrying her. It was SO exhausting. So when my friend told me about baby wearing with my second, I was super excited to try it out.

Oh em gee… it was a game changer. I work from home so being able to get things done throughout the day was always a big struggle. But as soon as I put him in his carrier, he was happy as could be. And would fall asleep half the time. It allowed him to feel close to mom while I answered emails, loaded the dishwasher or tidied up the house… oh man, I felt like a whole new woman.

It literally changed everything. Having a baby seemed so much easier this time around.
Babies want to be close to mom. They grew inside our bellies for 9 months, listened to our heartbeat 24 hours a day and heard our voice nonstop. Of course they want to be close to us. It makes him feel safe. Finding a good baby carrier can give your babe the comfort and security they need, while allowing you to continue on with your day.
I wear him while grocery shopping, going for a walk, at sister’s baseball games, etc. But the thing I love most is that people can’t just come take him from me (grandma, lol) or touch his face. They can peek his little head or touch his toes but ultimately, he’s stickin’ with mom (high five for an added bonus). Trust me, it’s a game changer.

I’m obsessed with this new Boppy Baby Carrier. It’s SO soft, holds the babe nice and snug in all the right places without being too tight and it’s super easy to put on (like crazy easy). So if you’ve been considering baby wearing…. I highly suggest you give it a go. You won’t be sorry. You can snatch one of these bad boys at Target too, high five ;)